List of Topics for Articles

 List of Experienced Topics for Articles Writ by Jesse Lee aka OLB or spazZz

Personal Experience

Sexual KinK


Alpha Male

1. What is an alpha male?

2. The Social Hierarchy of an Alpha Male

3. The Consequences of Being an Alpha Male

4. Conclusion.


Bullying & Overweight/Underweight

Bullying and Mental Coercion So Much Worse When Perpetrated by Adults?

The Role of Gender Conformity on Childhood Bullying and the Outcome as an Adult

1. What is the definition of gender conformity?

2. Gender conformity and bullying

3. The risks and outcomes of gender conformity

4. Conclusion.

Child Maltreatment

Cannabis And Libido


Cannabis Phytochemicals


Cannabis Hypnotic Induction


Cannabis Medicine


-Cigarillos: small cigars, often sweetened or flavored

-Panetelas: long and thin cigars

-Coronas: classic cigar shape

-Torpedoes: pointed at both ends, larger than a panatela

-Churchills: large cigars named after Winston Churchill

-Cuban, Dominican, Honduran & Nicaragua Cigars

1. What is cigar and pipe culture?

2. The alpha male culture

3. How can cigar and pipe smokers be worshiped?

4. Conclusion.

Hippocrates Coins Hysteria After unruly Uterus

Lepois Says Men Can Be Hysterical; Uterus Or Mental?

Luring The Devil Out Her Anus; Mesmerism & Braid Endorse Mesmerism As Cure

Charcot has Radical New Ideas & Can't Let Go Of Uterus; Hippolyte Suggests Auto Suggestion

Brewer, Janet, Pavlov, Freud and Jung Throw In Their Nonsensical Wit

Conspiracy Theory & Illuminati

1. What is mind control?

2. Conspiracy theory and mind control

3. Patriarchy and mind control


1. What is a dream?

2. How do we remember our dreams?

3. How is the brain involved in memory, sleep, and dreams?

4. The Anatomical Structures of Memory, Sleep, and Dreams

5. The Hippocampus And Amygdala


1. What is hypnosis?


1. Why is hypnosis more than just a tool to help manage mental health?

2. How to use hypnosis

3. Making the most of your hypnosis experience

4. Conclusion.


1. What are illusions and how do they work?

2. Different types of illusions humans can experience

3. How can illusions be used to diagnose mental illness?

4. What are some famous optical illusions?

Mind Control

MK Ultra

1. What is MK Ultra?

2. The CIA's involvement in MK Ultra

3. MK Ultra's impact on society

4. Conclusion.

Narcissist Practice BDSM

Nervous System


Kink Fetish

1. What are kinky sexy practices?


Erotic Hypnosis

Fetish Media/Object

2. What is a paraphilia?

DSM Diagnostic and Statics Manual

What is dissociative sexual Arousal disorder?

Some of the symptoms may include:

Cause of tumescence varies:

3 Symptoms For diagnosis lasting for longer than 6 months:

Treatment options:

ICD-9 international classification of diseases

3. What are the different types of paraphilias?

6. What is the anatomy of a paraphilia?

10. What is a fetish?

1. What is kink sexuality?

11. What are the different types of paraphilias?


17. What are some sexual paraphilias?

Examples of sexual paraphilias are:

What is an object fetish?

What is a Media Fetish?

What is a Partialism?

Why do men love their feet worshiped?

What is podophilia?

What is a narcissist?

What causes podophilia?





1. Introduction to Theories of Power

2. Reward power

3. Coercive power

4. Legitimate power

5. Expert power


1. Narcissism

2. Mind Control

3. Sexuality

4. Conclusion.


1. What is subliminal messaging?

2. The purpose of subliminal messaging

3. How to use subliminal messaging

4. Conclusion.


1. What does it mean to be submissive?

2. Types of abuse

3. Verbal Abuse

4. Emotional Abuse

5. Brainwashing

6. Conclusion.

Theory of Mind

List of Topics for Articles

  List of Experienced Topics for Articles Writ by Jesse Lee aka OLB or spazZz Personal Experience Sexual KinK ADHD Alpha Male 1. What is an ...