

Writ by Jesse Lee

Appearance refers to the physical attributes of an individual, including their:

  • Body Size

  • clothing

  • hairstyle

  • Acne

  • Teeth

  •  and overall physical appearance. 

Appearance can be an important factor in social interactions as it can influence how others perceive and interact with an individual.

Appearance refers to the physical attributes of an individual that can influence how others perceive them.

The relationship between appearance and a person's self-esteem, identity, and mind is complex and multifaceted. 


  • Direct impact: Appearance can significantly impact self-esteem, particularly body image. People who feel they conform to societal beauty standards often have higher self-esteem, while those who deviate may experience lower self-esteem.

  • Internalization: The way we perceive ourselves physically can become internalized, shaping our self-worth and confidence

  • Negative self-perception can lead to anxiety, depression, and social withdrawal.

  • External validation: Societal expectations and the emphasis on physical attractiveness can lead to seeking external validation for our appearance, which can be unstable and detrimental to self-esteem.


  • Formation: Appearance can be a significant part of our identity, especially in early development. We may associate certain physical features with specific characteristics or roles.

  • Expression: We can use our appearance to express our individuality, creativity, and belonging to certain groups. Clothing, hairstyles, and body modifications can all be forms of self-expression.

  • Shifting focus: When we overly focus on our appearance as our defining characteristic, it can overshadow other aspects of our identity, like 

    • talents

    • skills

    •  and values


  • Cognitive biases: We tend to have cognitive biases related to appearance, like the "halo effect," where we assume attractive people are also intelligent or competent. This can lead to unfair judgments and discrimination

  • Mental health: Negative body image and dissatisfaction with appearance can contribute to mental health issues like eating disorders, anxiety, and depression

  • Mindfulness: Cultivating a mindful approach to appearance can help us challenge negative self-talk, embrace our unique bodies, and focus on our strengths and values.

  • Individuality: The impact of appearance is highly individual and depends on various factors like personality, cultural background, and life experiences

  • Internal vs. external: It's crucial to distinguish between internal self-worth and external validation based on appearance

    • Focusing on internal qualities like kindness, resilience, and humor can build a more stable sense of self.

  • Beyond the physical: Our appearance is just one aspect of who we are. Focusing on our talents, skills, and contributions to the world can create a more holistic and fulfilling sense of identity.

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