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| Dark Triad Narcissism 🪞 Machiavellianism | | addicted-to-self-esteem-neurobiology-of-narcissism.pdf | | | | |
| | | addiction-and-dark-triad-personality.pdf | | | | |
| | | aggression-as-a-trait-the-dark-tetrad-j.copsyc.2017.04.007.pdf | | | | |
| | | aggression-as-a-trait-the-dark-tetriad.pdf | | | | |
| | | and-scale-values-for-narcissism-Machiavellianism-and-psychopathy-scales-by-respondent.png | | | | |
| | | associations-between-dark-triad-and-ambivalent-sexism.pdf | | | | |
| | | behavioral-process-causing-narcissists-popularity-decline-over-time.pdf | | | | |
| | | benevolenf-and-hostile-sexism-dating-strategies-travaglia2009.pdf | | | | |
| | | brain-structure-in-narcissistic-personality-disorder-j.pscychresns.2014.11.001.pdf | | | | |
| | | can-neuroscience-help-us-understand-narcissism.pdf | | | | |
| | | clever-and-crude-but-not-kind-narcissism-self-esteem-and-the-self-reference-effect.pdf | | | | |
| | | dark-cube.jpg | | | | |
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| | | dark-peronlity-traits-introduction-jones2013.pdf | | | | |
| | | Dark-Psychology -James-Williams.pdf | | | | |
| | | Dark-side-of-malleability-incremental-theory-and-morality-huang2017.pdf | | | | |
| | | dark-side-of-the-internet-dark-tetriad-and-problematic-internet-use.pdf | | | | |
| | | dark-tetriad-and-male-clients-of-female-sex-trade.pdf | | | | |
| | | dark-triad-chart.jpg | | | | |
| | | dark-triad-jonason2010.pdf | | | | |
| | | dark-triad.pdf | | | | |
| | | dark-triangle-sexual-scenarios-jones2013.pdf | | | | |
| | | Darker-deal-male-triad | | | | |
| | | darker-deals-male-clients-of-female-sex-workers.pdf | | | | |
| | | development-and-validatiin-of-narcissism-vulnrability-scale-nihms966924.pdf | | | | |
| | | Dimensional-Conceptualization-and-Diagnosis-of-Narcissistic-Personality-Disorder-Ronningstam.pdf | | | | |
| | | dissociation-and-confabulation-in-narcissistic-disorders.pdf | | | | |
| | | does-and-donts-with-patients-with-narcissism.pdf | | | | |
| | | drop-the-bad-attitude-narcissism-predicts-violant-behavior-blinkhorn2016.pdf | | | | |
| | | evaluating-callous-unemotional-as-a-personality-construct-jopy.12114.pdf | | | | |
| | | examining-relations-among-narcissists.pdf | | | | |
| | | factor-structure-of-narcissistic-personality-invventory.pdf | | | | |
| | | features-state-and-context-of-narcissist-and-drug-abuse.pdf | | | | |
| | | how-dirty-is-the-dark-tetriad.pdf | | | | |
| | | hypothesized-self-regulation-model-of-narcissistic-ststus-pursuit | | | | |
| | | impact-of-dark-tetroad-on-political-affiliation-and-extremism.pdf | | | | |
| | | impulsivity-and-self-defeating-behaviors-of-narcissist.pdf | | | | |
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| Narcissism | | 5-factor-narcissism-inventory.pdf | | | | |
| | | a-brief-history-of-narcissism-skonrath.pdf | | | | |
| | | a-narcissistic-personality-inventory-raskin1979.pdf | | | | |
| | | communal-narcissism.pdf | | | | |
| | | conceptions-of-narcissism-and-dsm-personality-traits.pdf | | | | |
| | | debates-on-narcissistic-conundrum.pdf | | | | |
| | | g4andiose-and-vulnerable-narcissism.pdf | | | | |
| | | grandiose-narcissism (1).jpg | | | | |
| | | grandiose-narcissism-decision-making.pdf | | | | |
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| | | grandiose-narcissist-and-decision-making.pdf | | | | |
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| Depression | | Depression_signs | | | | |
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| PTSD | | A latent class analysis of dissociation and PTSD evidence from a dissociative subtype | | | | |
| | | Cortisol metabolic predictors of response to psychotherapy for symptoms of PTSD in survivors of the World trade center attacks on September 11th 2001 | | | | |
| | | Disconnection between the default mode Network and medial temporal lobes in post traumatic amnesia | | | | |
| | | Emergency department predictors of post-traumatic stress reduction for trauma-exposed individuals with and without an early intervention | | | | |
| | | High cortisol levels following exposure to traumatic reminders in abuse related PTSD | | | | |
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| Social | | A-societal-social-cognitive-motivational-theory-SSCMT-of-the-development-of-childrens_Q320.jpg | | | | |
| | | Adolescence has active agents in the socialization process legitimacy of Parental authority and obligation to obey as predictors of obedience | | | | |
| | | Age differences in resistance to peer influence | | | | |
| | | Alone in a crowd of sheep asymmetrics perceptions of confirmity and their roots in the introspection illusion | | | | |
| | | Analysis of discriminate control by social behavioral stimuli | | | | |
| | | Changing norms to change Behavior | | | | |
| | | Developmental Cascades of peer rejection social information processing biases and aggression during middle childhood | | | | |
| | | effect-of-mask-wearing-social-anxiety-saint2021.pdf | | | | |
| | | Evolution in the social brain | | | | |
| | | Expectations of social inclusion and exclusion | | | | |
| | | Fluidity in the South concept the shift from personal to social identity | | | | |
| | | Forming impressions of people versus inanimate objects social cognitive processing in the medial prefrontal cortex | | | | |
| | | How to think about social identity | | | | |
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| Depersonalization | | Depersonalization disorder disconnection of cognitive evaluation from autonomic responses to emotional stimuli | | | | |
| | | Designing personas with empathy map | | | | |
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| Language | | alan-peat-sentence-types.pdf | | | | |
| | | archive_kink_oregonleatherboy_olb (28).jpg | | | | |
| | | assessing-the-depth-of-language-processing-in-patients-with-disorders-of-consciousness | | | | |
| | | behind-the-mirror-madame-rothchilds-glass-spider.pdf | | | | |
| | | BKCI-SelectionEssay_web.pdf | | | | |
| | | download.png | | | | |
| | | dynamics-of-wordplay.pdf | | | | |
| | | elegy.pdf | | | | |
| | | english-romantic-panagis2014.pdf | | | | |
| | | enhanced-synonym-acquisition-for-concept-mapping.pdf | | | | |
| | | etymology-apology-15478p_l.jpg | | | | |
| | | fictional-narratie-writing-rubric.png | | | | |
| | | From Pearl harbor to Watergate to Kuwait language thoughts and action | | | | |
| | | GPO-STYLEMANUAL-2016.pdf | | | | |
| | | grammar_for_academic_writing_ism.pdf | | | | |
| | | Grasping the meaning of words | | | | |
| | | idealism-and-decadance-in-russian-symbolic-poetry.pdf | | | | |
| | | images-of-decadance-in-early-20th-century-russian-art.pdf | | | | |
| | | Implicit learning of artificial grammars | | | | |
| | | interactive-storytelling-2012.pdf | | | | |
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| Contronym | | Contronyms | | | | |
| | | Contronyms.pdf | | | | |
| | Contronyms.pdf | | | | |
| | Contronyms.txt | | | | |
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| Etymology | | Cigar etymology | | | | |
| | | Daddy etymology | | | | |
| | Etymology submission | | | | |
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| | etymology-pornography-18481p_l.jpg | | | | |
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| Political | | Conservative and right wing movements | | | | |
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| Social Media | | Birds of a feather homophily in social networks | | | | |
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| Stereotype | | Automaticity of social behavior direct effects of trade construct and stereotype activation on action | | | | |
| | | Gender stereotypes | | | | |
| | gender-stereotypes.pdf | | | | |
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| Volition | | impact-of-DSM-4-5-drug-use-2016.pdf | | | | |
| | | intention-attention-and-action.pdf | | | | |
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| Sleep Dream | | Behaviors-in-apathetic-dementia | | | | |
| | | differential-binding-to-colors-to-objects-in-memory-red-and-yellow-stick-better-than-blue-and-green.pdf | | | | |
| | | interactions-between-sleep-and-emotions-in-humans-and-animal-models.pdf | | | | |
| | | molecular-mechanisms-of-memory-acquisition-consolidation-retrieval.pdf | | | | |
| | | nueral-mechanisms-for-visual-memory-role-and-their-role-in-attention.pdf | | | | |
| | | PRSR-Sleep | | | | |
| | | sleep-dependent-memory-consolidation-diekelmann2009.pdf | | | | |
| | | Studies on the physiology of awareness anoxia and levels of sleep | | | | |
| | | the-cognitive-neuroscience-of-human-memory-since-hm.pdf | | | | |
| | | the-role-of-sleep-in-changing-our-minds-a-psyhologists-discussion-of-papers-on-memory-reactivation-and-consolidation-in-sleep-cartwright2004.pdf | | | | |
| | | thinking-hallucinating-reciprical-changes-in-sleep-fosse2004.pdf | | | | |
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| Dreams | | a-procedure-utilizing-dreams-for-deepening-of-hypnotic-trance.pdf | | | | |
| | | circadian-clocks-and-sleep-toxic-waste-brain.pdf | | | | |
| | | conceptual-framework-product-popularity-on-cosumer-preferencee-social-approval-inferences.jpg | | | | |
| | | consciousness-in-dreams.pdf | | | | |
| | | dreaming-a-gateway-to-the-unconscious-paulson2017.pdf | | | | |
| | | dreaming-and-the-brain-from-phenomenology-to-neurophysiology-nihms.pdf | | | | |
| | | dreaming-and-the-default-network-a-review-synthesis-and-counterintuitive-research-proposal.pdf | | | | |
| | | dreaming-mind-wandering-and-hypnotic-dreams.pdf | | | | |
| | | dreaming-the-unconscious-mind-and-beyond.pdf | | | | |
| | | exploring-neural-correlates-of-dream-phenomenology-and-altered-states-of-mind-nix009.pdf | | | | |
| | | increased-actovity-verse-decreased-activity-in-hippocmpus-during-lucid-dreaming.jpg | | | | |
| | | increased-dream-complexity-dreaming-quiet-to-active-sleep.jpg | | | | |
| | | investigations-of-neurobiological-mechanisms-of-dreaming-in-the-new-decade.pdf | | | | |
| | | lucid-dreaming (4).jpg | | | | |
| | | lucid-dreaming-a-state-of-consciousness-with-features-of-both-waking-and-non-lucid-dreaminh.pdf | | | | |
| | | lucid-dreaming-and-the-surreal-accessinh-the-unconscious-through-conscioud-methods-to-produce-creative-visual-outcomes.pdf | | | | |
| | | lucid-dreaming-in-narcolepsy.pdf | | | | |
| | | neuralcorrelates-of-lucid-dreaming-nihms-1525230.pdf | | | | |
| | | neuroimaging-of-dreaming-state-of-the-art-and-limitations.pdf | | | | |
| | | physiology-and-physchology-of-dreams.pdf | | | | |
| | | region-specific-dissociation-between-cortical-noradrenaline-levels-and-the-sleep-wake-cycle.pdf | | | | |
| | | relationshio-between-epilepsy-and-dreaming.pdf | | | | |
| | | schematic-brain-images-during-activation-and-deactivation-during-rem-sleep.jpg | | | | |
| | | schematic-brain-images-during-lucid-dreaming.jpg | | | | |
| | | schematic-brain-images-during-nrem-sleep-nrem.jpg | | | | |
| | | schematic-depiction-of-central-findings-of-neuroscience-of-narcissism.jpg | | | | |
| | | sleep-deprivation-and-stress.pdf | | | | |
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| | | the-journal-of-nervous-and-mental-disease-dreaming.jpg | | | | |
| | | the-role-of-rapid-eye-movement-for-amagydala-related-memory-processing.pdf | | | | |
| | | what-is-the-link-between-hallucinations-dreams-and-hypnogogic-hypnopompic-experiences.pdf | | | | |
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| Sleep | | brain composition sleep.pdf | | | | |
| | | effect-of-chronic-sleep-fragmentation-on-wake-active-neurons-and-the-hypercapnic-arousal-response.pdf | | | | |
| | | mutual-influence-sleep-circadian-overall.pdf | | | | |
| | | sleep-to-remember-rasch2006.pdf | | | | |
| | | somnoambulism-in-verdis-macbeth-and-bellinis-la-somnambula-opera-sleepwalking-and-memory.pdf | | | | |
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| Sleepwalker Somnoambulism | | sleepwalking-a-potential-side-effect-of-antipsychotic-medicine.pdf | | | | |
| | | sleepwalkingthrough-history-medicine-arts-law.pdf | | | | |
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| Attachment and exploration in adulthood | | | | | | |
| Attachment scripts across cultures evidence from a universal script | | | Adult romantic attachment theoretical developments emerging controversies and unanswered questions | |